AntiVirus for Human Mind !

Its sure difficult to monitor the character of thoughts formed in our mind ! But that's what a biological antivirus does to the human mind.

Friday, July 14, 2006


Okay, Everyone of us has seen the movie MATRIX, all the three parts.
Somehow we know that Yes, We are in a matrix, but how do we come out of it?

There is only one way!
We have to acknowledge the fact that we are souls!
And that's the toughest thing to do.

Let me explain.
When a child is born, the pattern of electrical waves of the brain are the Delta waves. Delta waves are slow sine waves , which go up and down very slowly. As he grows up, the brain waves become faster and narrow, and steps up through theta, alpha and finally beta waves. Beta waves are very fast and irregular waves. They represent sensory stimulus from the umpteen senses in our body and the irregular and crowded thoughts that our mind creates from these stimuli.

That forms the matrix!
The physical body and the sensations that the physical body has provided us all these years and the memories of those experiences which are stored in the brain. It is from this stored memory that the mind picks up certain data and processes it to run into various thoughts. Thoughts that provoke us, depress us, make us happy and so on! We are entangled in this matrix!

We have 650million such matrices around us, scattered around the world, to complicate things further!

The master processor and the master program, and the power supply of this matrix is the electomagnetic field that we call the aura or the soul. When this energy field is absent, the matrix decays and life loses its meaning! And that, we define as DEATH !

But have we ever thought how the life of a soul would be?
An entity with no death, with no physical boundaries!
It fills in the DNA projected soil matrix and brings life into it. It plays on the planet, the program inside the neurochemical structure called the brain, using the various organs and its technological enhancements!

When we become conscious that we are actually a soul, sitting inside a physical body, we understand how we fill in a role in the world drama. And we understand other soul beings and the role of their physical matrices on the planet.

Fun, isn't it? Everyone has a role and knowingly or unknowingly, they are playing it! Moreover we are a form of light, and we have no death!!!

Without opponents the game won't be fun. Without obstacles we cannot grow tougher when we grow up!

Even Satan is an important part of the game. Because he is the one who taught us that we have a patch in our mental operating system. When we repair it up, we are advancing....evolving!!

Every system, whether spiritual, religious, cultural or whatever, is meant to make us soul conscious. To make us aware that we are the souls. The body is just like a new dress which I have to throw out when it's worn out!

And when we understand; that purity, love, joy and power are the inborn characteristics or rather the VIRTUES of the soul, we will feel the power of the soul. We will understand how our past experiences and traumas have corrupted the master program called the soul, causing it to lose its virtues and making it act out the infected thoughts and images!

So here starts a new journey of soul consciousness! What we are supposed to do is to remember that ' I AM A SOUL ' 24 hours a day, a whole life time. When we succeed in doing that, we succeed in getting out of the matrix.

Those who succeed in being soul conscious, become altogether different person. They know their worth, their power, they are full of radiant love and purity flow in their actions. Time and again, years of corruption of these virtues do show up, but we must forgive ourselves and carry on. Life becomes stess free and joyful. Relations become meaningful and loving!

I am a pure, peaceful, loving soul!!!